Tiny Teen: (called) Abacil or ABG Kecil

another profile page of my younga sista's friend

"...ono ono ae arek jaman saiki. Bukanne ngilokno, kagum malah. Mergo adek-adek iki iso nemokno jeneng koyok ngono. Wis lek diwoco koyok wong kemu (kumur). Blukuthuk..mblukuthuk.. gedublegh..gedublegh.. wkwkwkwk.. Sak jane iki kudu dadi sejarah dewe lho rek! Iki bukti lek ndek jamane awake dewe wes ono praktik posmoderen sing dilakoni arek enom-enom ndek Indonesia..."

Can you pronounce that name? It seems like other countries namic-style (Russian or other East European name). But I guess, it's just one proof of something posmodern by tiny teens right now.



Unknown said...

Haha, itu nama pesbuk panjang banget... sip2

salam kenal Mbak, makasih sudah main2 ke blog aku

Irviene Maretha said...

wekekekek ... mbakyuu .. itu nama fesbuknya sampe keluar layar laptopku ..

jangan lupa dibilangin se, biar posmodernnya tidak liar. hahaha