Collosal Comic: Ken Dedes and The Ray-stone (teaser)

(Rough) Some scenes of Ken Dedes Legend - her ray stone.
(en. Wiki) Ken Dedes, first queen of Singhasari, was the consort of Ken Arok, the first ruler of Singhasari, Java, Indonesia. She was later considered as the origin of the lineage of kings that rule Java, the great mother of the Rajasa dynasty, the royal family that ruled Java from the Singhasari to the Majapahit era. Local tradition also mentioned her as a woman with extraordinary beauty, an embodiment of perfect beauty.

In my storyboard, Ken Dedes is told has a beauty secret gems by her. So, Ken Umang who fallen in love with Ken Arok (Ken Dedes's husband ) also wanted that gems. How was it be at next?
